August Bulletin: Artfunder Invests In Women Artists, Mints ARTCASH


Our newest initiative is an experiment called ARTCASH!

Each week, we release a 1 of 1 NFT that is an artist’s depiction of MONEY. We invite you to read more about the project and participate!

Our ARTCASH WEEK #3 drop was created by Canadian filmmaker and digital artist Darryl Gold. The cheeky piece, Buttclout is gaining attention as a result of being featured in the 2nd official NFT Showcase on

buttclout bitclout animation by canadian artist darryl gold
ARTCASH #3 is Buttclout by Darryl Gold.

We also completed our first-ever FICTION WRITING CONTEST! This sparked the creation of fascinating works of literature and over $300 in prizes were paid out in CLOUT. Congrats top winners @thedoctor and @thissorryspacesuit!

Getting Set up with BitClout

Some members of our community expressed that it was tricky and a bit intimidating to set up their first BitClout account, so we created a handy onboarding guide: 8 Steps To Create A BitClout Account Using Google Login. The article walks you through setting up an account and covers basic crypto wallet security.

Arts Alchemy ?

Since inception, our Alchemy Program has directly invested $1,008 worth of CLOUT into 10 artists and arts projects. Beginning next month we’ll also be looking into buying NFTs, while also continuing to do whatever we can in support of artistic creativity.

Anyone is free to join our community Discord and nominate an artist to receive Creator Coin investments and share NFT drops.

Buying Creator Coins of Awesome Women Artists

This month, we’re investing $430 in CLOUT into Creator Coins. We recognized that last month we had invested in 4 male artists. So this month, we’re balancing things out and investing $80 each into the coins of 4 female artists! We’re also buying our own $Artfunder coin ($110 worth), as we do every month.


We’ll admit it: at first we weren’t sure if Anna was real on BitClout. (Who posts that much quality work as soon as they join!? Often it’s bots or scams!) But after doing a bit of homework, it became crystal clear that this 3D artist is very, very real, and creating some impressive unique works (like this BitClout logo) that have been minted as NFTs. We apologize for ever doubting you, Anna! And we think you’re poised to be one of the most prominent artists on BitClout and beyond!

Anna has an amazing four-part NFT series called It will consume you currently releasing on BitClout, with one of the pieces already sold to Artfunder’s own @jeffhayward. Beyond BitClout, she reports success on the NFT platform hic et nunc and Foundation. She tells us she’s been in the design industry for 15 years, but started studying art about 25 years ago, which further proves she’s the real deal. She was also a speaker at the Adobe Max conference last year!

Anna’s work is also on Instagram and Behance.


A highly skilled painter, Meredith’s works are realistic portraits with an almost dream-like quality. One of the impressive pieces we’ve seen is “OceanBound“, an oil painting (and NFT) that was animated by the artist.

See more of Meredith’s amazing work on Instagram, where she has over 34k followers (and verifies her own BitClout profile!)


Nona is another artist that wows us with their artistic process, creating videos on TikTok to give us a glimpse behind the scenes. Nona appears to be skilled both with the brush as well as creating digital works like this one that is for sale as an NFT. She’s also launched a @bitcloutbunny series. We’re not certain, but she may live in an enchanted forest? That could explain why her work is so magical.

She has a deep background in the arts, telling us she graduated from the Institute of Design in Moscow and is now an art teacher in China.

Also find her on Instagram.


What drew us to Victoria was not only her amazing fine art skills, but also her YouTube videos showing her process. If you really want your mind blown, watch her lyric art video that blends stippling with a reading of Amanda Gorman’s inauguration poem (the related NFT has already sold on OpenSea.) We look forward to seeing more inspiring work from Victoria, who also draws amazing pet portraits!

In case you missed them, here are our picks from last month. Stay tuned as we’ll be continuing to back and showcase much more artistic talent in the months to come!

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